About Debbie

“The MASTER KEY is our degree of desire and trust, the KNOWING. The SIMPLE reason for perfect health and happiness is being master of anything we do-LOVE IT regardless of what it is-menial, boring or inspirational work. There would be no person or thing one dislikes-as hatred develops imbalance, which causes Fatigue. HAPPINESS is an indication of our HARMONY. We are all created equally. We have our TWO HANDS as our REJUVENATORS and HARMONIZERS. With these two hands we have the privilege of helping ourselves and others to get in tune with the universe. Hands are generators of the Creator Power-not from within us, but a part of the ever constant and forever balanced universal SUPPLY. We need only be AWARE of this supply. (Text 1, 1979, edition)”
— Mary Burmeister

After experiencing the tragic deaths of her brothers and a life-long friend, Debbie relied on her deep faith to sustain her while raising a family and teaching special education. Eventually, the stresses of life and the buried emotional pain began to take a toll on her physical and emotional wellbeing. Although traditional medical care provided a level of healing, she longed to really “find herself” and re-connect with the sacred within herself. Through her search she was guided to many teachers of mind, body, spirit traditions and healing modalities. Through prayer, meditation, breath work, energy healing and yoga she was able to heal and experience radiant wellbeing.
After her first Jin Shin Jyutsu session, Debbie knew she needed to learn more about this gentle yet powerful energy healing. During her Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner training, Debbie realized that Jin Shin Jyutsu is a complete mind, body, spirit healing art that encourages a deep relationship with oneself and spirit.
She is passionate about her role as a member of an integrated holistic medical team working with cancer patients. Debbie is able to support each individual on their journey back to health using Jin Shin Jyutsu Getting to KNOW (Help) MYSELF as part of a mindfulness based approach.
Debbie artfully weaves her skills as a certified gentle/chair yoga teacher, Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner, cancer exercise specialist, and certified Energy Medicine Practitioner to deliver an informative, enjoyable and incredibly beneficial learning session for you whether you are attending one of her classes or in a private session.

Vibrant Wellbeing

Jin Shin Jyutsu®